Saturday, August 21, 2010

Miley Cyrus-When I Look At You

when i look at u alisa

Everybody needs inspiration
Everybody needs a song
A beautiful melody
When the night's so long
B'coz there is no guarantee
That this life is easy

And when my world is falling apart
When there's no light to break up the dark
That's when I..I..I look at you !

When the waves are flooding the shore
And I can't find my way home anymore
That's when I..I..I look at you !

When I look at you
I see forgiveness
I see the truth
You love me for who I am
Like the stars hold the moon
Right there where they belong
And I know I'm not alone

And when my world is falling apart
When there's no light to break up the dark
That's when I..I..I look at you !

When the waves are flooding the shore
And I can't find my way home anymore
That's when I..I..I look at you !

 You, appear just like a dream to me
Just like kaleidoscope colours
That proves to me
All I need
Every breath that I breathe
Don't you're beautiful !

Yea...yeah !
When the waves are flooding the shore
And I can't find my way home anymore
That's when I..I..I look at you !
I look at you !
Yea...yeah !
Woah !
 You, appear just like a dream to me !

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Aku + Baju KurunG!

Till 2day aku x present lagi EAP..
waa..fell like wanna dying cz waiting for such a long time..
long ke 2 day= 1 week??
hee..long la tu..ape taknye..aku kne pakai baju kurung tiap monday n wed juz nak tau 'ari nie aku present ke x?'..
and d answer, aku still x present lagi..
so next week ari isnin kne pakai baju kurung lagi..waa... penat la iron baju..
xde la penat pun..juz malaz + buang masa!!
tapi aku still pakai tshirt la kalau ari lab..hee..lega..senang aku nak lari kalau2 ada anjing nak kejar aku..
hehe...yelah tu tengah2 engin ada anjing nak kejar...Alasan CIKK!!!!
hee..reason is one way for escaping things...=)

so, dgn bersempena konon2 excited nya ak memakai baju kurung, aku pun mengambil sedikit kenang2 di dalam claz management yang sedikit bosan..

muka yg byk jerawat...eeee...

cess!! sempat lagi kan..
agak2 nye la, kalau org yang aku admire dari 1st year tu tgk aku pakai baju kurung, dia akan perasan x kehadiran aku nie ek??
ke aku still jd Ms.Invisible lagi??
haha..tgk,baru pakai bju kurung 2 ari dah nak mr.cake tgk aku..iskh2!!! betulkan niat Cik!!
ok2!!! nie yang tambah malas pakai baju kurung nie, nanti start r pikir bukan2..
iskh2!!! bulan Ramadhan bulan Mulia nie..niat tu betulkan balik k..
aku pakai baju kurung cz presentation, bukan sal Mr.cake..
eh! nie dah kira betulkan niat ke nie??
ok2 la..betulkan niat dalam hati je...
hee...Cau cin Cau..!!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

BUlan Ramadhan

**As I promised b4, i done reading d journal plus 2 others journal..heehee..well done!!

**erm..esok start pose, SELAMAT BERPUASA kpd semua muslimin & muslimat...

**nie terbaca fadhilat puasa,  and tbe2 terbce "How to fast healthily during Ramadan"...
so guyz, aku nak share la ngn korg ckit..tapi aku x pandai sgt nak citer2 nie..i'm very bad in words!!
so,bce lah sendri k..

iskh byk plak pantang dy..duk suh mkn cheese, milk , fruits..byk la plak..duk in campus nie susah la nak jge mkn, petah lagi yg healthy2 nie semua..xde mknenye...makan je ape depan mata,dot!!

wow...time pose xleh tgk nie..gugur iman..

Boleh kak syifa msg aku tadi jz wanna make me jealous cz mak masak sedap2 tadi..but yet, her mission accomplished!! cess, kurang asam garam punya akak bertuah!!

xpela..redha je la..huh!!

adeyai..really addict on9 nie...what should i do?? (muke wat2 cute sambil nyanyikn lagu "what should i do-jang Geun Suk". cess!! mcm la pandai cakap korea lagaknye...hee)

ok la..nak tido la..esok nak sahur..=p

Just started My blog...

Just started My blog...

**isn't it looks like 2 outdated?? i care!!

**before nie, x rase nak wat blog coz sekarang ngah study kat uiA. wireless pun bukan leh harap sgt..kalau kat rumah tadi xpe gak la..

>>tapi coz 2days b4 aku g Digi Camp- which is every YA have 2 attend it, so aku pun dapat la Digi broadband ni for Free ok..

>>hee, tanx aku pun 24/7 buka tenet.. 

>>bosan yang teramat wat aku pun rasa nak wat Blog, jadilah cam sekarang nie..

**currently were listeng 2 d Eminem's song-Love the way u lie.
>>comment: best,suke!!

aku memang suke giler nyanyi, tapi nyanyi je x suke gler kat aku.. plus suara aku bukannya sedap pun..

so, aku pun kuburkan impian aku tu..huhu..nyanyi dlm toilet jela jawabnye..

tapi, tok mengubat kekecewaan xdpat jadi penyanyi, aku pun tukar hobi aku tu jadi songs collector.hee..

and the latest music aku akan download dr Digi Music, korg try harm la to just try it, coz i'm sure u'll get full satisfaction  in there.

try nie.. 

hee..asyek ngn music je, journal tok FYP x abis bce lagi..jum bce!!

>> AIM 4:11pm= journal of synthesis of the flavor precursor, alliin, in garlic tissue cultures kena abiskan baca dulu baru aku leh tgk tenet balik k..

1 of d journal need 2 b khatam ASAP!!

hyisk..being addicted ngn tenet...

Daa..jumpe pas aku abis bace journal nie k..Muax!!